About us

Bartimaeus, the blind beggar (Mark 10,46-52) is sitting beside the road begging, outside the gates of Jericho. He can not benefit from the wealth of the town because he can't see. When passing by him, Jesus asks him: „What do you want me to do for you?” „My rabbi” replies the beggar „ I want to see”.

You are also as blind as Bartimaeus when investing at random instead of following any strategy. Sometimes, you take huge risks by being too confident or the opposite, your fears guide you. You may feel the need to find an objective point of view based on careful calculations.

Our company, Bartimaeus Capital Investment Ltd. helps you to reach your investment goals. With our expertise you will able to distinguish valuable things from unvaluable ones you will have an overall view of investment opportunities and the possibility to choose among them.

People who have inspired our investment visions the most:

Benjamin Graham (1894-1976)

Known as the 'father of value investing', he was a professor at Columbia University. He considered that the value of investment differs from its price and these two converge over time.
He summarized his principles in his main work, The intelligent investor, published in 1934. He had a stong influence on his former student, Warren Buffet who followed this investment philosophy to rebuild his company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Warren E. Buffett (1930-)

The most famous investor of the value investing, the Oracle of Omaha, the owner and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. His wealth grew by 20,1% per annum in the last 35 years, so he is the best investor ever. The most successful investor of our age, lots of books, films based on his story.

Aswath Damodaran (1957-)

A professor at New York University, he is known as the 'Dean of Valuation'. His works describe value investing in a modern, understandable way. Investment processes are based on his philosophy at Bartimeus Capital.