Fair price:
142,4 USD
Proposed price:
94 USD
Market price:
120,02 USD

About Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet Inc. is the huge conglomerate, - well known part is the Google - which offers cloud based solution related digital advertising platform with several applications and subscription services for individuals and companies. Alphabet's main segments are Google Services, Google Cloud, Google Bets.

Google Services include all products and services that were launched on the market under Google brand such as Android, Chrome, Google Maps, Google Play and Youtube. Google Cloud provides digital platforms and cloud-based services for companies, while Google Bets is responsible for research on future technologies including healthcare field.

Financial analysis

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Revenue 136819 161857 182527 257637 282836
ROE 17,3% 17,0% 18,1% 30,2% 23,4%
EBITDA (m USD) 36559 46012 54921 91155 90770
EBITDA margin% 26,7% 28,4% 30,1% 35,4% 32,1%
Dividend (USD) 0 0 0 0 0
Dividend yield % 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

From 2018 the company has generated a significant revenue improvement, its former USD 137 billion (2018) has doubled by 2022. Meanwhile its return on equity has also increased from 17,3% to 23%. The company's EBITDA is worth nearly three times more now than five years ago while the EBITDA margin has also increased. This is a robust company with a constantly rising revenue.

All of its revenue is returned back to the business: the company does not pay out any dividend but buys back its own shares in large numbers.

DCF analysis

As the company's D/E rate is stable but it doesn't pay out dividends, we are going to use DCF analysis.

D/E 0,311 0,370 0,436 0,428 0,426
Div/FCFE 0 0 0 0 0

FCFF Analysis

Sh. Outst.

Our calculation is based on the yield of an US 10-year government bond (3,83%) as risk free return and the average equity risk premium (4,4%) in the US market during the last 80 years. The cost of debt comes from the company’s AAA bond rating. Using these data we get 7,94% of WACC. We expect that the company’s EBIT will grow by 6,36% in the next 5 years and will creep back to 2% after the 5th year. The return of invested capital is 27,72%.

As the earning before interest and taxes has been increasing significantly, ie. EBIT has been growing by 6,36% from year to year, so do FCFF values.

Discounting the FCFF figures and discounting with the weighted average cost os capital (WACC) we recieve that the value of the company is 971.212,4 USD. This means 142,4 USD/share, calculated with 6820m shares and without loans. Using our margin of safety methodology we get 93,98 USD target price.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E TV DCFV V
EBIT (1-t) 23142 28781 34661 66182 62926 54570 58040 61730 65656 69831
FCFF 17834,79 22180,73 26712 51004,48 48495,53 42055,2 44729,55 47574 50599,3 53817 66090,78
DCF 38962,1 38352,54 38392 37830,2 37276,7 36731,25 948772 971212,4
Pe= 142,4065

As in March of this year the stock price dropped below 90 USD, I was curious to check whether there was any fundamental reason. As I did not find any particular, I added it to a watching list.

At the time of this publication the share price is 120,02USD that is 30 USD higher than our target price but it falls short of the intrinsic value by 20 USD (142,4 USD vs 120,02USD).

Our calculation was confirmed by reality: 90 USD is a strong buy as this price is considered conservative. However, at 140 USD shares should be sold as this is the highest price which can be justified by the company's financial situation.

Index based valuation

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ROIC 24,25% 23,28% 22,18% 36,18% 28,65%
D/E 0,311 0,370 0,436 0,428 0,426
P/BV 4,42 5,01 5,72 8,32 4,84
Dividend 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Dividend payout rate (DIV/FCFE) 0 0 0 0 0
FCFE/shares outst 1,46 1,70 3,18 4,12 3,22
Cash to stockholders to FCFE 0,03 0,27 0,44 0,49 0,81

The company’s return on invested capital (24%-28%) is much higher than the weighted average of cost of capital (WACC=7,94%) so the company is real value creator. It yields 17%-20% more than the cost of capital, which is extraordinary. The D/E ratio is stable and low. The leverage is 0,4, it is a cash machine it does not need external capital to run business successfully. The price to book value is stable, around 5 in the last couple years.

It doesn’t pay out any dividend however it could. Yearly 3-4 USD could be paid out as a dividend safely, which means a 2,5%-3% dividend yield. So the investor value is not the dividend but the share repurchase activity: more and more percentage of the FCFE is paid back to stockholders with the stock repurchase policy.

Competitor analysis

According to current share prices and other data:

Stock Price Shouts NI P/E BV P/BV Revenue P/Sales Ebitda EV/Ebitda
Meta 294,26 2590 23200 32,85058 125713 6,062487 116609 6,535803 42241 18,0425
Amazon 130 10250 -2722 -489,53 146043 9,124025 513983 2,592498 39039 34,13253
Microsoft 343,77 7440 72738 35,16248 166542 15,35738 198270 12,89983 97843 26,14034
Apple 191,94 15790 99803 30,36715 50672 59,81079 394328 7,685816 130541 23,21671
Alibaba 92,17 2580 9774 24,32971 169189 1,40552 134567 1,767139 22532 10,55382
Google 120,02 14046 59972 28,1098 256144 6,581458 282836 5,960348 90770 18,57223
Átlag 30,67748 7,987353 6,296217 22,41718
Pe= 130,9832 145,658 126,7832 144,8674

Based on the relative analysis the fair price of the stock is between 130-145,6 USD, the FCFE analysis gave us 142,4 USD, so this level is proven. We get these price levels based on P/E, P/BV, P/S és EV/EBITDA, a 130 USD price is considered a good price.

*Important to note that from the P/BV calculation we excluded the Apple data in order to avoid their distorting effects on a 5 components competitor average. Therefore our calculation in this case is resctricted to 4 elements.

Summary/Our offer

According to our analysis, the Alphabet (GOOGL) has a significantly increasing revenue, its ROIC is outstanding, between 23%-30%. It has an outstanding EBITDA margin (30-35%). Although is does not pay dividend, the stock repurchase program offers a value to its stockholders on yearly basis..

GOOGL capital leverage is conservative, it has an outstanding cash generation. It does not require more external capital for the further growing.

Its ratios and financial results are stable, the company is a reliable profit generator. At the price of 122 USD the company is undervalued by 10% compared to its competitors.

According to FCFE analysis we got 142,4 USD for fair price. Using our margin of safety our target price is 93,98 USD. This evaluation is proven by the relative analysis, as well. At this price (93,98 USD) the company would be undervalued by cca 30% compared to the competitors, therefore we suggest to buy a bigger stake at this price. At the current price (120,02USD) the share price is not too attractive at the moment, we recommend purchusing below 100 USD.